Tuesday, May 02, 2006

New Superman Returns Trailer

by Brian
Can be found here.

Strongly discouraging. Did no one tell Kevin Spacey that he's not doing a Bug's Life sequel? Are there really that many people in the world who are saying, "You know, I liked the 1978 version, except that Gene Hackman just wasn't hammy enough."

Ugh. My interest level just dropped about 40 percent.


Blogger Jackrabbit Slim said...

I don't have the necessary software to view this trailer, but my interest level was already pretty low. I was a pretty big comic book fan as a kid, but I've never cared for Superman. There's something so blah about the character, the direct opposite of Batman or Spider-man. I wasn't crazy about any of the Superman movies (I hated number II, and I don't think I saw much of III when it aired on TV. Was there a IV? I didn't see it). I also don't watch Smallville. This one will probably be one of those I end up seeing after it's been out for a month just so I'm not the only one who hasn't seen it.

5/02/2006 03:31:00 PM  
Blogger jaydro said...

Supergirl was definitely better. Case closed. Supergirl was even better than Supes III, wasn't it?

I was never that in to Superman, either, which I thought was probably why I liked the Superman films better than the Batman films. Less personal investment in my own vision of the character.

5/02/2006 04:34:00 PM  
Blogger jaydro said...

I hesitated when I was writing about III just because of Office Space, but I wasn't going to bring that up! Supergirl might even be on the level of II, which I used to hold in high regard but thought was pretty awful the last time I re-viewed it a few years ago.

5/02/2006 05:41:00 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

All I remember from Supergirl was thinking that it was very, very odd to my six-year-old way of thinking. Now that I'm older and know who Faye Dunaway and Peter O'Toole are, I'm sure I would find it even odder.

Never liked Superman II that much, even as a kid. Can't say why. Haven't seen it in years, though, either.

Superman III I hated from the time I saw it. I remember liking Superman IV in comparison, but I honestly don't remember anything from that movie.

5/02/2006 06:02:00 PM  
Blogger Professor Wagstaff said...

When I was about 10 years old, I thought Superman 2 was the most entertaining movie ever made. Of course these days I think differently but in the stifling prism of modern comic-book films, it has a lot more fun then the standard.

I saw a fair bit of 'Superman' recently, it holds up pretty well although Wells' observations about how its become the same stifling template for every mainstream comic book over the last 28 years makes its presence felt.

Superman 3 I found cheesy as a kid. Pryor appearing in that kind of film was such a bizzare move.

As for Superman 4, I've got only one thing to say... Sidney J. Furie! A genuine bona fide hack.

5/03/2006 08:53:00 AM  
Blogger Jackrabbit Slim said...

Part of my problem with Superman is the secret identity thing. If this new movie tries that, it will be a big obstacle with me. You can't convince that people don't know Clark Kent and Superman are one and the same, and that simply taking off glasses does the trick.

5/03/2006 12:53:00 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I actually loved the way that Christopher Reeve handled the whole Superman/Clark Kent thing. I won't say that he looked a lot different, but mannerisms, tone of voice, etc., were really completely different. It may not have been real-world believable, but it worked for the movie. There was a moment (in the first movie?) where Kent, when Lois wasn't looking, took off his glasses, straightened his posture, i.e., to look more Superman-ish, and it really was an amazing moment, because the transformation really was stunning.

Also, I liked the way Lois never really even looked at him long enough to notice, in the first one at least. She was always so fixated on Superman, but too busy or just plain uninterested in Clark to even start to put the pieces together.

Routh's Kent looks way too obvious, though. And I'm really interested in the how the inevitable "Superman's back! And by amazing coincidence, so is Clark!" thing plays out in the movie, because it sure had me wondering during the trailer.

5/03/2006 02:18:00 PM  
Blogger Jackrabbit Slim said...

Certainly comic books require a huge suspension of disbelief, but they have to be consistent, and there are limits. For example, I can go with Daredevil having supersensitive hearing, touch, etc., but I have a great deal of trouble believing that he can zip around New York City rooftops with only the use of billy-club with a grappling hook attached.

The creators of Superman, who were making a lot of this up as they went along, decided to go with the glasses on/off thing, and those who have managed the character since then and have to had to work around that silly premise. I'm not suggesting that Superman wear a mask, and I'm fine that it doesn't bother others, but it bothers me and is one of the reasons I don't like the character.

5/03/2006 02:31:00 PM  
Blogger jaydro said...

You know, I think my favorite Superman incarnation may just have been the '90's "Lois & Clark" TV show....

5/03/2006 04:40:00 PM  

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