Wednesday, June 07, 2006

More Reasons to Pity the People of Louisiana

by Jackrabbit Slim
We debated the gay marriage issue ad nauseum in the Hollywood Elsewhere forums, but I had just had to point out the moronic statement made by Louisiana's Republican Senator, David Vitter:

"I don't believe there's any issue that's more important than this one."

He was speaking of the anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment. Seriously.

This is a man who represents a state that is still reeling from a devastating hurricane. I hope the people of New Orleans who are still suffering from the effects of that storm are comforted by the fact that they have a senator who is working hard to make sure that there are no same-sex marriages.


Blogger jaydro said...

I guess Karl Rove has advised him and other Republican senators that making such statements is the only way to get re-elected?

6/07/2006 09:51:00 AM  
Blogger Jackrabbit Slim said...

The amendment was defeated in today's vote. I applaud all those Senators, particularly the Republicans, who voted against it.

6/07/2006 10:58:00 AM  

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