Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lost, 10/18 episode

by Jackrabbit Slim
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Blogger Jackrabbit Slim said...

Last night's episode confirmed my belief that Locke is the most fascinating character on the show. Now I'm only more intrigued--how did he go from a pot-growing commune to a wheelchair-bound clerk in a box company?

One thing that's a little annoying, but certainly understandable. We're now getting other passengers from the plane stepping forward to be featured players. Nikki? Paolo? Where were they the first two seasons? I'll suspect we'll get this as long as the series lasts. In the meantime, where is Bernard and his wife?

Do polar bears keep their "food" alive? Somehow I would doubt it.

If the hatch imploded, how were Locke, Eko and Desmond flung outward?

10/19/2006 07:12:00 AM  
Blogger Count Olaf said...

I thought it was an excellent episode with the return of Locke and his faith. He's been burned big time by his dad and's amazing he still had faith when he came to the island (I guess healing your legs will do that for ya).
Charlie is still continuing his annoyingness from season2, which is unfortunate.

I don't know if they're introducing other characters into the fold so much as grabbing extras for random tasks when 6 of the main characters are either captured or wandering... Although I'm sure the producers would love for everyone to come up with a new theory about who they are and why they are...

Desmond had quite a weird look in his eye at the end. Was he back from the future? Did he seem to have more of a beard than before? You know, Terminators have to travel back naked......

10/19/2006 11:23:00 AM  
Blogger Jackrabbit Slim said...

The two "new" passengers are played by Rodrigo Santoro and Kiele Sanchez, and are both listed in the opening credits, as well as featured prominently in next week's episode. Looks like they are now officially featured players.

10/19/2006 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger jaydro said...

both listed in the opening credits

Well, shoot, so much for my theory that Lost was falling into the trap of shows with too-large casts and budget problems--by splitting the cast into thirds and having only one-third of them show up each week I thought they were able to spend more money on polar bear effects.... ;-)

I liked last night's episode a lot more than last week's. I'm always pulling for the guys who go in the sweat lodges (see The X-Files)....

10/19/2006 03:25:00 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

Man, I was so happy Desmond was alive. I just love that crazy Aussie.

I also like the fact that some of the more mystical elements are coming back to the show. Think the lack of that was taking out some of the lure of the show.

Also funny that these same mystical, shamanistic elements are part of the more primitive village.

You know, Terminators have to travel back naked......

Thank you, biggest laugh of the day.

10/19/2006 03:48:00 PM  
Blogger Count Olaf said...

The two "new" passengers are played by Rodrigo Santoro and Kiele Sanchez, and are both listed in the opening credits, as well as featured prominently in next week's episode. Looks like they are now officially featured players.

Good point Slim. I stand corrected. I guess the Others aren't enough to keep track of this season.

Thank you, biggest laugh of the day.
You're welcome. I was laughing as I wrote it.

Has anyone checked out the supposed extra content that American Express is providing? I'm not sure what's extra. I don't have the time to sit and rewatch clips right now....

10/19/2006 05:22:00 PM  

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